Achieve Your Goals: My Proven 3-step Framework for New Year Resolutions

behavior change goal setting new year resolutions personal growth self-improvement Dec 09, 2023

In this newsletter, I'm providing you with a powerful framework to turn your resolutions into reality.

Let's be honest, you make resolutions for a reason.

Behind that reason lies a deeper, more significant reason.

A reason important enough to take your resolutions seriously.

Imagine if you had achieved all the resolutions you've ever set.

What would your life look like?

Keep this in mind, because that's exactly what's possible when you make sincere resolutions.

Unfortunately, most people give up on their resolutions by February due to a lack of clarity and genuine commitment.

Without Urgency, There's No Reason to Act.

Most resolutions fall into the 'would like to have' category rather than 'must achieve'. Real change is born out of urgency. That's often what's missing.

Here are the main reasons why most resolutions are never achieved:

  • Reason #1: Lack of Depth
  • Reason #2: No Action Plan
  • Reason #3: No Urgency
  • Reason #4: No Sincere Commitment

Luckily, I have an effective method to turn your resolutions into achievable goals.

You just have to follow these 3 steps:

Step 1: Create Depth

If you don't have a crystal-clear idea of what you want to achieve, you essentially have no goal. Without a clear goal, you can't expect results.

Imagine this is your resolution: I need to exercise more.

How often per week? What exactly will you do? On which days? For how long? Where?

'More exercise' is not a goal. It's not specific. If it's not specific, you can't know exactly what you need to do.

So, let's create depth. Answer the following questions:

  1. Define your goal: What exactly do you want to achieve or solve?
  2. Why do you want that?
  3. Imagine you have achieved this, what will you have then that you don't have now? And what will it do for you?
  4. Work out your goal concretely using the SMART method.

SMART stands for:

  • Specific: Your goal must be specific and clear. It must be explicitly clear what you exactly want to achieve, so there is no room for interpretation. Example: I will lose 10 kilograms of fat in 20 weeks.
  • Measurable: Your goal must be measurable, so you can track your progress. Example: I'll monitor my progress by comparing weekly averages of my weight, weighing myself daily.
  • Action-oriented: Your goal must be action-oriented and contain concrete actions that you will take to achieve it. Example: By walking 30 minutes daily, doing strength training 3 times a week, and eating calorie-restricted (2000 kcal per day).
  • Realistic: Your goal must actually be achievable. Something like losing 10 kilos of fat in 10 days, for example, is unrealistic. Example: If you’re not sure if your goal is achievable, do research, ask for help or hire a professional.
  • Time-bound: Your goal must have a clear deadline so you know whether you are on the right track. Example:By June 1, 2024, my weight will have dropped from 71 kilograms to 61 kilograms.

Step 2: Make a Plan

Now, let's pinpoint where many go wrong in this crucial step.

Most people only make resolutions in their mind. Few actually take the time to write them down, let alone create a plan. Here are some examples:

  • I want to feel fitter
  • I want to lose weight
  • I want to earn more money
  • I want to feel mentally better
  • I need to eat healthier

If you don't concretize these resolutions and turn them into a plan, you can't possibly succeed.

Now that your goal is clear, here's how to make a plan:

  1. What is needed to achieve your goal?
    1. What knowledge do I need?
    2. What skills do I need?
    3. What actions must I take?
    4. Do I need help from anyone?

Detail this as concretely as possible.

  1. What could prevent me from reaching my goal?
  2. What will I do to ensure this doesn't happen?

Be honest, clear, and work out each step concretely. Keep it short and powerful. The simpler, the better.

⚠️ Don't skip any steps.

Step 3: Create Urgency

You're almost there! This is the most crucial step that almost everyone overlooks. You must create urgency.

Here's a short story to illustrate my point:

Imagine slipping and falling on the street. You probably sprained your thumb. You call the doctor and ask if he can look at it now. The doctor says he's too busy and that you can be the first after the weekend. You agree, as there's no rush.

But what if you had broken your arm in the fall and a bone was sticking out?

Would you have also agreed to come back after the weekend?

Of course not.

You need urgent help.

It's so urgent, you must take immediate action.

Urgency can arise from an external factor (an event) or you can create internal urgency yourself.

That's what we do in this step.

Here's how to create urgency:

  1. How important is it for me to achieve my goals (on a scale of 1-10)?
  2. What are the consequences if I don't achieve my goals? What does it cost me if I don't succeed?
  3. What is there to gain in my life if I do make a success of this?
  4. How urgent is it to turn my goals into reality (scale 1-10)?


If your urgency score is not 8 or higher, stop right now.

Stop deceiving yourself and save your time.

If you are honest and sincere about your goals, your urgency is now a 10.

If you really want the best for yourself, go for it now.

You have your plan. You know what you need to do. As Nike's motto goes: Just do it.

Start and don't stop until your goal is reached. That's commitment.

Motivation is what gets you started. Commitment is what keeps you going. – Jim Rohn

Until next week.


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