The Real Reason You Can't Lose Weight: That No One Talks About

behavior change goal setting health healthy habits identity realism weight loss Dec 03, 2023

More and more people have an unhealthy body, and fewer and fewer are doing anything about it.

Have you ever caught yourself being unhappy with your weight or physical condition, yet doing nothing about it?

Even though you often complain about it.

What you might not realize is that your brain doesn't want you to change. It wants to keep you as you are now. Your behavior so far has helped you survive. And that's exactly what the brain wants:

That you survive.

The problem is, surviving is not the same as living a healthy life.

If you don't take absolute control over your health, your brain will dictate what's 'healthy' for you. Continuing your current lifestyle, regardless of the consequences.

There are no guarantees in life, but one thing I can guarantee you:

The moment your health starts to falter, you'll regret not taking action sooner.

Why can I give that guarantee?

Because you're not the first and certainly won't be the last to regret things you didn't do — when you still could.

We don't have all the time in the world. The sooner you realize this, the greater your chances of leading a long and healthy life.

Be honest with yourself now.

What does your future look like in terms of health if you don't change your lifestyle from now on?

Are you just surviving or truly living a healthy life?



Knowing What to Do and Still Not Doing It

Yesterday, I had an insightful conversation with a client. This discussion embodies the fundamental issue of declining physical and mental health we can see in our society today.

It mirrored how society is evolving in terms of health.

While training my client, something happened:

During an exercise, his shirt rode up. After the exercise, as he pulled his shirt down, he grabbed his belly fat, squeezed it, and sighed deeply.

I told him that if he's unhappy with his belly, he can do something about it. After all, he's here to improve his health, and a healthy weight is part of that.

I can help you with that, as you know. I've even developed a complete digital course to become sustainably lean, which produces great results with my clientele.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," was his response...

And that was the end of it.

You Can't Order a Lean Body Online

I told him that I notice more and more people are overweight, utterly unhappy with it, yet they do nothing about it.

How do you think that happens?

What's stopping you from just doing something about it? I can help you with that, it's within my expertise.

He laughed and said that I know as well as he does where the problem lies.

That could be true, but tell me how you see it. I'm very curious — as a coach, it's important for me to understand how someone perceives and experiences a situation.

His answer hit the nail on the head.

He said people are accustomed to getting everything easily. Losing fat just takes effort. Weight-loss pills are sold very well, he added.

Indeed, it's human nature to always look for the path of least resistance. Moreover, we are conditioned these days to get everything easily.

With a press of a button, from the comfort of our homes, lounging in a chair, we can have most things delivered to us.

But what can't we order online?

A lean and healthy body, for example.

I recently wrote a newsletter about how our desire for convenience can harm our health and how to prevent it.

During the training, we continued to talk about this topic. From our conversation, several fundamental points emerged that I would like to share with you.

So you don’t make the same mistake as many people (including my client):

Being dissatisfied with your health, knowing you need to do something about it, and still not doing it.

Stop that today.

'Someday' Mentality

People often deceive themselves. In our minds, we seduce ourselves with the idea that 'someday' we'll tackle that problem. It’s that day when we'll truly get started.

You probably recognize these kinds of thoughts. I'll start...

...after the vacation

...when the kids are older

...when work is less hectic

...when I'm ready

...when it feels right

Procrastination is just postponement. It's nothing more than fooling yourself. Because if you don’t do it today, what will be different tomorrow that will suddenly make you do it?

Will you have magically changed?

Highly unlikely.

There Are No Guarantees in Life

As humans, we crave guarantees. We want the certainty that we will get what we want, especially if we have to invest energy or money.

But, we prefer not to carry the responsibility ourselves.

We would rather have those guarantees and assurances from someone else. So that it can never be our fault if things go wrong.

New clients would also prefer to get the guarantee from me that they will achieve their goals with 100% certainty.

It's interesting how our brain works. You want a guarantee from me, while you are the one who has to do the work.

I can definitely give you a guarantee: that I will do the work I need to do. But can you also guarantee yourself that you will actually do what's necessary to achieve your goal?

That's usually where the problem lies.

There are few people who dare to give themselves that guarantee. After all, it's your own fault if you don't make it happen (again).

If you can set that aside, then here's another guarantee I can give you:

Achieving results will become inevitable.

People Don't Trust Themselves

"Yeah, but I've already tried so much, why would it work this time?"

"I don't have confidence in it."

It's not the methods that don't work, it's the people who don't do the work.

Trying to achieve a goal is not the same as doing (and continuing to do) the necessary work to reach a goal.

It's easy to blame 'everything you've tried'.

But be honest enough to admit that the only constant in all those attempts is yourself.

Ask yourself this question:

What do I really not trust, the method or myself?

Complaining Means You Need to Act

If you complain about something, that's reason enough to take action.

To take responsibility for your problem and just solve it.

Give me one good reason why it's justified to bother yourself and others by complaining about something you'll never change.

I'm genuinely curious, honestly.

Then ask yourself these two brutally honest questions:

  1. Since I complain about this problem, what's stopping me from solving it?
  2. What would my future look like if I have solved this problem?

Stop complaining and start solving. It will enrich your life, and deep down, you know it.

Why in the world wouldn't you want the best for yourself?

Do It Because You Can

It's incredible how often I hear “yes, yes, I know.”

And then nothing happens.

There's a big difference between knowing what to do and doing what you know. If you don't apply what you know, you'll feel worse than not knowing.

I dare claim that most of the world's unhappiness comes from knowing what to do and not doing it.

You want to change something, you know what to do, and yet you don’t do it?

It can only cause frustration. And rightly so, because what needs to happen before you truly take action?

Without any nonsense, what needs to happen before you take that step?

Do you have to get chronically sick?

Receive bad news from the doctor?

End up in a burnout?

Be out of work for a long time?

My mother taught me a very powerful lesson when I was a kid. Every time I didn't want to do something because I didn’t feel like it, she would say, “You should count yourself lucky that you can do this, there are many who would love to but just can’t."

My mother, who has been a nurse all her life, knows better than anyone what awaits you if you lose your health.

Is losing your health really what needs to happen before you do something about it?

Or, is simply the fact that you can do it reason enough?

Step Into the Lean Life Course: Your Blueprint for Transformation

Struggling with temporary fixes and fleeting results? It's time for a true change.

The '4 Elements Framework' is just the beginning. In The Lasting Lean Life Course, you’ll uncover 48 lessons designed to revolutionize not just how you look, but how you live.

Imagine a course that transcends the usual 'quick tips' and gives you a comprehensive lifestyle overhaul. A program where each lesson builds upon the last, creating a resilient, lean body and an empowered mind.

Don't let another day slip by. Take control and join others who have stepped onto the path of lasting health. Enroll in The Lasting Lean Life Course now, and make the commitment that leads to real results.

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Say goodbye to high stress, low energy, and poor health. Embrace a life of high performance, both professionally and personally. With a leaner, stronger body and a sharper mind, nothing is out of your reach. When you subscribe to my newsletter, you'll receive actionable tools in your inbox every Saturday. Ready to elevate your life? Subscribe now!

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