Lean, Strong & Driven.

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Previous Issues of The Get Real Performance Newsletter

This Is Why Weight Loss Methods Fail Mar 16, 2024

Want to lose weight? Okay, great, here's what you're often told to do:

  • Follow this diet plan…
  • Stop eating X, Y, and Z…
  • You can’t have this, but you can have that…
  • Do these workouts…
  • Take these supplements…
  • Drink these shakes…

If you do this, then...

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This is Why You're Not Seeing Results in the Gym Mar 09, 2024

You want to lose weight, but you're not shedding a single pound.

You want to get fitter, but you still feel drained.

You want to get stronger, but you keep getting injured.

You had resolved to work out consistently, but you've already quit.

Achieving results at the gym seems straightforward, but...

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The #1 Health Goal: Losing Weight and How to Succeed Where Others Don’t Mar 02, 2024

"I want to lose weight"

"I would like to shed some pounds"

"I could be tighter in my skin"

"I'm overweight, I need to lose pounds!"

Losing weight, over and over again. It's by far the most common goal in the gym.

100% of the requests we receive in my gym involve losing weight.

Not surprisingly,...

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Why You’re Not Lean: 4 Mistakes That Keep You Fat Forever Feb 24, 2024

Ever wondered why losing weight (and staying lean) is so damn hard?

While many wish to become leaner, more people are struggling with weight loss than ever. This isn’t a coincidence; it's the result of the same weight loss mistakes being made repeatedly.

In this newsletter, I'll unveil the...

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Fads to Facts: 5 Weight Loss Myths That Keep You Fat Feb 17, 2024

 They’ll tell you:

  • Do this exercise to lose weight FAST
  • Follow this diet to lose weight FAST
  • Take this pill to lose weight FAST

They also tell you:

  • STOP eating carbs to lose weight
  • STOP eating fats to lose weight
  • STOP doing cardio to lose weight

You know what, It’s all...

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From Desk to Gym: 3 Key Exercises For Unbreakable Shoulders Feb 10, 2024

Last week, we uncovered the risks of standard pressing exercises for those of us tied to desks all day.

We delved into how 'beginner' routines might hurt you due to compromised shoulder mobility from endless hours of sitting.

You learned two straightforward tests to assess whether your shoulders...

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From Desk to Gym: The Hidden Dangers of 'Beginner' Gym Exercises Feb 02, 2024

If you’re new to strength training, your primary challenge is avoiding injury.

I’m not exaggerating — injuries in the gym are alarmingly common, particularly for beginners without the necessary know-how for safe training.

Starting out, you typically receive a standard beginner...

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Stop Damaging Your Back Sitting Down: 4 Sitting Positions That Save Your Back Jan 27, 2024

In the modern world, desk jobs are destroying more bodies than heavy physical labor.

Like most people, you probably spend over 8 hours a day at a desk. Maybe you've already experienced headaches, neck and shoulder pain, or lower back discomfort.

Prolonged sitting can be incredibly damaging to...

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Training For Lifelong Leanness: My 4-Elements Framework Jan 19, 2024

“What’s the best exercise for losing weight?” Sounds familiar, right?

Cardio used to be the go-to. Now, it’s all about lifting weights. Or should you go full throttle with high-intensity workouts? Wait, maybe it’s slow and steady cardio after all.

Opinions are...

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